Arizona in JULY??

Spending a few days in Scottsdale Arizona this week and wooooeeeeee it's HOT!!!! 


If you know me then you know being HOT is one of my least favorite things. But hey, one of my most favorite things is multiple streams of income, sooooo that's why I am spending a few days at an invitation only business conference for my direct sales business. For me to be in overly-sunshiny, sweaty Arizona in July tells me I must REALLY love it.  


In a million years I never thought this is how the world would serve this life experience to me. I started my pink drink to support a friend, and as I learned about the ingredients it caught my attention. Because of my personal health journey that started with pituitary brain tumor,  thyroid tumor a year later >> adrenal fatigue decades later… oooooof you can imagine I'm VERY selective of what I put into my body especially when it comes to my hormone journey. 


This picture above was at Leaders Retreat in Florida. I was humbly recognized as the #2 top builder of the quarter out of 700k ambassadors. What a fun adventure this has been, it's been 2 years this Summer that I began this journey.

We helped 135 people in  3 weeks get control of their life!  AND IT IS BLOWING ME AWAY there are soooo many healthy people walking around feeling like crap!


I've learned so much about GUT HEALTH. Don't laugh at me (shoulder shrug) I can say that I honestly thought gut health meant you had IBS or acid reflux or something like that, so I simply didn't stop to listen because I didn't know what I didn't know! When we know better, we do better! OPEN THE FLOODGATES!


What I know now? Our gut is our second brain. More importantly, I've learned that 90% of our "FEEL GOOD" neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin, are produced in your gut. Whaaaaa??? I said, tell me more… 


What has surprised me the most has been the energy. The last couple of years I've just been TIRED, in a way that was hard to explain. It wasn't wrecking my day or anything; and because I work from home, it was simple to just take a nap on the couch and have Kelly wake me up in ten minutes so I could get back at my day. NOW, I haven't needed naps at all …. blech it's weird to think that was a thing!


I have friends that have told me I'm glowing. It's like my face is shrinking. AAAAND I'm totally off my thyroid meds with it and I feel amazing. The best I've ever felt! I have BUILT IN willpower.  Plus more restful sleep. GAME CHANGER! 


My daughters are both having the most incredible results also. With their PCOS, weight loss (Jamie has lost 40lbs in 12 weeks), energy levels, and both off of  their anti depressants working with her doctor of course, all possible BY TAKING PLANT BASED CRUSHED UP FOOD that naturally increased their serotonin levels! I've seen hundreds more helped them with  everything from chronic back pain, colitis, hoshimotos, reflux to menopause symptoms to adrenal fatigue, to constipation and everything in between.  Women, men, teenagers, kids too. Where was this when my kids were younger? I just didn't know what I know. 


I've loved sharing and watching first hand, that there is such an easy way to fix any problem you're dealing with in your life … systemic inflammation is causing so much pain for so many! 

What I love most is this is not a bandaid fix, this regimen gets to the ROOT CAUSE, and I've helped so many create additional income to help support their families.

In a million years I never thought this is how the world would serve this life experience to me, feeling grateful I stayed “open to receive!" 


Are you responsible for the energy you bring into the space?


The Power of One,