I am so glad you are here. I have you in my heart as I hit “send” in starting our Wednesday Wisdom series. This is where I will share best life gifts each week, little lessons, discussions I’ve had with my coaching clients, my family, my businesses, from the hood and of course my crazy Devenish Sevenish crew that pretty much fill my life full of surprises, laughter, tears, ass-whoopings (metaphorically speaking) and oh my gosh everything in between. I often joke there is never a dull moment around here. You probably can relate if you have a man child extraordinaire in your life…or you ARE the man-child extraordinaire. 

This project has been years in the making; sharing insights from my EXPERIENTIAL WISDOM. I know, I know… some of you may be thinking who are you to share wisdom with me? And whereas you are certainly welcome to think that; guess what? You have it too!

Experiences teach us. Repeated experiences make us experts.


What is the exact meaning of wisdom?

/ˈwɪz·dəm/ the ability to make good judgments based on what you have learned from your experience, or the knowledge and understanding that gives you this ability.


What is experiential wisdom?

Life’s experience that gift us the ability to make THE CHOICE to hold onto something or to let it go, AND THEN have the desire and know how to share and teach it to others. Some of the ways we may become wisdom experts on a particular subject are; recognizing patterns, learning from our mistakes, learning from our successes and the most exciting part to me is becoming what I call a “knowledge collector.”

Last night I did a zoom call for my gut health company, a “What is Plexus” call.  I found myself feeling pretty nervous when I started the call because I’ve only been doing this for 18 months, and on previous calls I had someone co-host with me who had been doing it for many, many years longer than I have. It wasn’t until mid-way through the call I realized sharing from your heart you can never go wrong, I knew all I needed to know because experience guided the way. The call went great and got a friend started on her health journey simply by sharing my knowledge and experience.

Note to self (and to you): Do it again and again. Lean on the memories we put into our mental Rolodex and undoubtedly, we will often come back to it later. 

It’s a thing - trust me. 

I'm grateful for my experiences.  I'm grateful for my experiential wisdom. I'm here to share what I know, what I've learned and how I'm growing to better you and empower you with the same.  Creating gratitude goes hand in hand with experiential wisdom.  To get your started on that path, have you gotten your 7 day gratitude journal freebie?

Smile, Jessica


Passion whispers to you through your feelings, beckoning toward your highest good.