You’ve been criticizing yourself for years…
We are our worst critics aren't we? That negative self talk and reprimanding we do inside our heads throughout the day can be exhausting. Do you “should” all over yourself sometimes?!!
"You've been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't worked.
Try approving of yourself and see what happens." Louise Hay
Allow me to offer you some prompts that are inside my course that may help you.
Reflection: It is amazing what we can create when we stop looking outside ourselves to cultivate inner peace and happiness.
Awareness: Your life can change quickly when you trust that there is more inside you and you're brave enough TO TAP INTO YOUR OWN INNER LIGHT, to demand more of yourself. Growth isn't luck. It happens when you love yourself. It happens when you commit to a positive mindset and take consistent INSPIRED action.
Personal insight: What spark do you bring to those around you? What light do you hold inside you? Do you trust that divine right action is taking place at all times?
Four affirmations to repeat after me:
• I am a grateful and confident person; a leader who has a clear vision and purpose. • I am appreciative and committed to living with myself and my family in a peaceful, authentic way.
• I am a loving and living commitment to inner peace while balancing expectations.
• I am an abundant and living commitment to trusting my inner wisdom.
True transformation starts here... with You!
We're all seeking the best, fastest, most powerful ways to improve our lives. We want to feel more, enjoy more, produce more, and succeed at a higher level.
If only there were a single key that unlocks all these doors. There is!
I want you to have this key—the secret to unlocking everything you want in every facet of your life. To get you started on that path, I want you to have my 7-Day Gratitude Journal!