12. Living a life "in flow" - our conversation with Holly Semanoff

Welcome to the conversation with Holly Semanoff,  a body-mind-soul teacher, yoga teacher, reiki master, author, and spiritual catalyst for waking up the body, mind soul connection... just to scratch the surface of her beautiful gifts.

Holly is also the founder and creator of Body of Light, with her husband Mike Semanoff.

Holly is one of our dearest friends. She truly lives what she teaches about living in flow from a place of authenticity. And this episode manifested exactly in congruence with that topic.  Jessica and Amanda had discussed inviting Holly to the conversation and on this day we planned to record guess who showed up?! Yup, you guessed it ... Holly, in her divine nature of following the energy that calls to her.

Holly has so many beautiful stories to share, perhaps we should have her back again soon.  She shares how her whole reality changed from being concrete and material, three dimensional living; into living and being a life of pure energy and seeing and feeling the world,  and people as pure energy.  And she shares how those things opened up to her through her different experiences in leaving the competitive fitness world.

Holly talks about her channeling; and expresses the idea there's all sorts of connotations for people who do energy work, or see the energy of the world and how it relates to the physical world, the mental world and the emotional world.  Everyone has their own unique flow, or their unique song. Finding your flow is really trusting in yourself.  It's recognizing that everyone can have their own flow.  Just like the river doesn't try to hold on to the shore, it simply flows. You are the river of your own life.

Holly believes that your life purpose is naturally who you are authentically. It's not something you're seeking or  have to grasp. When you simply go back to your true self; it is then you will naturally live your purpose.

Jessica and Amanda share their life experiences of being in flow among many other beautiful gems in this episode.

Where to find Holly:
Instagram @holly_semanoff
Facebook: Holly Semanoff
YouTube channel:
Ascended Path

Holly and Amandas Heart Opening Retreat/October 2021:
Upcoming Retreats & Classes (amandajoyloveland.com)



13. The "c" word. Yes, we are going there today!


11. Grief. It comes in many forms. Do you know what to do with it?