Change is Good!

Funny story, I ran into a past employee the other day who worked for me for several years. When she saw me she said “Oh my gosh I hear your voice in my head all the time! The words CHANGE IS GOOD!"  We both laughed and I said “Yup, and it still is! Even all these years later isn't it?!” 


Change is good! Isn't it? I think so. Interestingly enough, not everyone sees it that way. I know MANY who would disagree with me and potentially see change as a threat. And that's OK, we all have perspective based on our experiences. 


CHANGE is something we often want for others. We want it for: government, big business, family, friends, spouse, our boss, co-workers,  etc..

Rarely do we want our own self to be the one to have to change…


(This is our human nature. We all do it.)


We feel if they were to change all would be right in this world. Somehow our life would improve if they were just to change to fit our view of how life should be…

What if? We must be the one to change? How does that concept feel to you? 


For the last few years, working with my coaching clients I see that it is US who must change the way we think, feel, view, or act in this world. We are the only ones that we can control. I vividly recall telling my children that very thing, when they would come home from school upset about someone else. So why wouldn't it be true for us too? Well, it is true, even when we don't want to see it that way. 


Change is an inevitable part of life. No matter how we may perceive change, I believe it is essential for personal growth and progress. 


Of course, it doesn't mean that we have to agree with other views we conflict with, but we simply can't expect the other to change in order for us to be right with the world around us. 


We must act on our own life, as our own creator. First and foremost.


If we want to see change, we must be the one to make that change happen. We have more strength inside of us than we believe and if you can conceive it, you can achieve it. 


Just understand “if it is to be, it will be up to thee” to make it come to life.


It won't always be easy, aaaaaaaand thats ok…. it will be worth it!


Enjoy the journey, and as Gandhi said, “be the change you wish to see in the world." 


When was the last time you pushed back on a change? 

What did you do about it? Did you lean into it and trust the process? Or did you fight it all the way? Here is the beauty of it … YOU GET TO DECIDE and whatever you choose is all yours. Every single time.



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